
Alisa Phoenix is a musician and music teacher. She has taught music to children and adults, both privately and in classes for more than 20 years. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music and Theatre from Brigham Young University in 1999.

Where to start? I’ll start with the music.

At less than a year old I learned to whistle. Singing was next. And, oh, how I wanted to play the piano. Fortunately, both my parents played and to my delight my first piano lesson was with Vanda Lewis, a lady who attended our church, a day before I turned seven years old. I remember in Sunday school singing time when, as a discipline method, the singing leader asked if any of the rambunctious kids wanted to sing a solo. My hand almost shot up…but then I realized that she intended this as a method of discipline, and I was confused because I was a good kid, and didn’t want to be disciplined — but I did want to sing a solo! Right then and there!

Year later I was in college, trying to decide what to study. I always wanted to study music — I would look at the course catalog, reading meaningfully the description of the classes that made up the “music theory core.” Finally, by the end of my second year of college, I had made up my mind — practicality be damned, I had worked my butt off in high school for a full tuition scholarship, and I was going to do my own thing and have two majors — one in theatre and one in music.

So I did. Practicality is an important thing, and I realized that among things that I might do with my music degree, teaching was one of them. Two months after graduation in the summer of 1999 I was working as an intern for a children’s theatre summer camp, and I was asked to begin singing lessons for the camp director’s 10 year old daughter. I found teaching a delight — fun and challenging all wrapped in one. A couple of months later I had moved to Sandy, Utah and was soon asked about teaching piano lessons. Well, why not? I thought. And so it began.

I’ve taught music even since, both private lessons and classes. In Phoenix I have taught for the PLACe Music Academy, St. Mary’s High School, a charter school, the Phoenix Conservatory of Music, and at Beatitudes Campus through their Life Long Learning Committee.

I see music as something that anyone can participate in, create, and enjoy. It is a delight for me to see those I teach come alive through music.

Alisa Phoenix | Phoenix Tech Gurus | The Frugal Organic Path | Garden Down the Street | The Automatic Earth | Igor the Jazz Cowboy | Sunnyslope Historical Society | itsjustapuzzle.com